A 2x Bourrée
I think I've been playing the 3rd note in the 7th measure of the A incorrectly, but will amend my ways based on this transcription
A tune by Giles Chabenat
Often played slowly was a waltz it is 3x bourree and should be played with a 3-1 emphasis rather than a 1-2-3
Here is a recording
And a quick mandolin version
Set of 2x bourrées
In Aurore Sand it was collected as ending the A part both times on the tonic, however I(and others) usually end the first A on the 2nd, so that a 5 chord sounds good, and the second time end on the tonic. I've kept the notation as collected.
Two time bourrées. Notation to come.
A tune by Karl-Johan Ankarblom.
Three polkas by Damien Mullane. I got the first from a fb video of Will Allen and Rosie Butler-Hall. My friend Alina found the Damien video and transcribed all three.
A tune by way of a UK fb tuesday tune group. According to Chava who has gone native over in Wales it means Battered cod pieces.
It is a fun tune which could precede or follow many a tune. It could go before Bonny Cate for example.
Here is multi instrument version.