We play this with a bit of a swing, so even though I wrote this with even eighth-notes, it ends up sounding syncopated.
We play this with a bit of a swing, so even though I wrote this with even eighth-notes, it ends up sounding syncopated.
This is the tune to the dance The Stork, which is usually played in D.
Notation by Malaika.
The audio is from Bloody Knuckles. Thanks to Bill Richardson for supplying the nice looking PDF(this is the 2nd pdf and differs from the current way of playing. The first pdf and the abc are closer tom our current way). As I recall, the No Man's Jig was played when the final sword lock was circled around a puritan's neck, as we all chanted "chop, chop, chop".
A unique, 5-person hanky dance, recently resurrected by P&B. The audio is from Caper Diem; annotation by Ricker.
Malaika's notation:
Yet another great dance back from the dead. The tune was written by the Waites' very own Sue Carney, who I recently had the enormous pleasure of dancing to and playing with at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland.
The audio is from the first Bruno CD, Caper Diem; the annotation is Ricker's.
This is a great tune to one of the best morris dances ever (IMO). I'm quite excited to see it back in the P&B repertoire!