
This is a very fun and very pretty polska. The recording is Emelie Waldken. She starts slow, teaches it, and then plays it up to speed. The dots come from Aryeh Frankfurter, plus I added some sharps to make it match the way Emelie plays it.

2 responses
I forwarded this to a friend of mine who plays a lot of this type of music. I thought you might be interested in what he said about this tune: “Slangpolskas are more evenly counted than other types of polskas, where for instance the 2nd beat can be emphasized and drawn out subtly. All of this is to support the dances. Here’s something I found about this Pigopolskan, which means The Maiden’s Polska: Pigopolskan was discovered jotted down on the back of a drawing by the artist and fiddler Pehr Hörberg (1746-1816). He had given it the subtitle ‘the genuine one’, which makes one wonder what the fake one would sound like!”
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